Canton Middle School Supplies
Below you will find the school supply lists for Canton Middle School broken down by grade level. Thank you for your help in purchasing supplies for your child. If it is a hardship for your family to purchase supplies, please let us know. We do have a great system of support for helping families in need, and we will never let a student go without items that are necessary for their education. We also don’t care if the items your child brings are old or new. Anything is useful in our eyes.
All students are asked to have a book bag that will fit in a locker. This will help protect their personal items as well as their Chromebook. Fixing a broken Chromebook is an expense that families will be asked to pay in the event of an accidental or purposeful destruction of a device. It is also recommended that each student has a heavy duty, zippered binder that can be an added layer of protection for personal items and Chromebooks.
The school has plenty of items that have been donated in case the need arises. We can provide assistance in obtaining any item on the supply lists below if need be. Please contact the main office at 828-646-3467 for any support or questions.
As always, if you would like to provide supplies as donations, please do so through the main office. We are always in need of copy paper, spiral notebooks, sewn composition books, Clorox wipes, and Kleenex. Currently we have a good supply of backpacks, markers, loose leaf notebook paper, and 3-ring binders.
Thanks for all your help, and Go Bears!
Supply List Links:
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